Thursday, September 11, 2014

For all of you nomads

After years of looking and searching and trying, I have finally found the perfect travel pouch for my jewelry. You must all know this problem, you go away for the weekend or on a vacation and take some jewelry with you: a few necklaces, some bracelets, earrings and rings fitting with your wardrobe, necessary accessories! The problem is that amongst the dozens of zip pouches that you have, all the necklaces still get entangled and you end up either spending an hour detangling everything, or giving up but feeling totally stressed....
Recently my friend K showed me an old pouch that she had kept from Japan. I did not like its aesthetics, but it looked like the perfect little bundle. So I started crafting and trying as soon as I got back home. I have this whole collection of fabrics that I bring back with me when I travel, and after creating the yoga eye pillows (more on that later I promise) I mixed and matched prints with cottons and silks. 
The idea is simple. You open the pouch and have eight individual pockets inside, where you can store your jewelry. I made it bigger than the model I had seen, as jewelry tends to be on the bigger size these days. To close it, you just pull up the ribbons and make a bow. Each pocket inside will then be shut and your rings and bracelets won't mingle together. Neat!
By the way, if you were wondering how they are called, I also found the appropriate name: NOMADE. 
Here are a few pictures of the ones I managed to make before they sold out....this summer was the perfect time to travel with style and all my friends needed  their own Nomade! ;-)
The feedback is fantastic, which is great.
I am doing a whole production at the moment as I will be selling them at the outdoor market Hand Made Hong Kong in Discovery Bay on October 12th. Make you you stop by if you are around.